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FMA and OeNB publish information folder on the risks of foreign currency loans
The information folder contains clear, concise and coherent information about the main risks associated with foreign currency loans.
FMA warns against financial service transactions with the provider ACPM Consulting GmbH
ACPM Consutling Group
ACPM Consulting Group
The FMA warns investors against the conclusion of financial services requiring a licence with this provider.
FMA Study: State-sponsored retirement provision continues to grow rapidly. Higher yields with “life-cycle asset allocation” instead of capital guarantee
The state-sponsored retirement provision is taken out as a long-term old-age provision.
FMA publishes 2005 annual report: successful year for Austria’s financial institutions. FMA proposes package of measures geared towards “Better Regulation”
The FMA has put together a comprehensive and precise package of measures under the “Better Regulation” banner.
FMA Statement on Misleading or Wrongful Description of the Responsibilities of State Commissioners in Banks
State commissioners in banks
FMA publishes Circular Letter on Ad Hoc Disclosure Requirements and Reports on Directors’ Dealings
Ad hoc reporting requires listed companies to publish any information pertinent to the price according to certain rules without delay.
The FMA will issue a profit-sharing regulation for life assurances, effective as of January 1, 2007. Its objectives are clarity, traceability and transparency
Preparing for Basel II, the OeNB and FMA issue a joint guideline for aggregate risk management of banks (“Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process” – ICAAP)
The dynamic development of financial markets and the increased use of complex bank products call for efficient systems.
Supporting the global fight against money laundering and terrorist financing, the Financial Market Authority (FMA) publishes a “Circular Letter on Identification”
Within the scope of the multilateral “Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (FATF)”, commonly accepted packages of measures are developed.