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Erste Allgemeine Arbeitnehmer Kranken- und Unterstützungskasse AK-UK

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Pursuant to Article 22c para. 1 no. 2 of the Financial Market Authority Act (FMABG – Finanzmarktaufsichtsbehördengesetz), the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) may in imposing a sanction that has been imposed as a result of breaches of among other provisions Article 98 para. 1a of the Austrian Banking Act (BWG – Bankwesengesetz), disclose the name of the persons or entities upon whom a sanction has been imposed, as well as information about the sanction imposed.

By publication in the official gazette “Amtsblatt zur Wiener Zeitung” of 2 February 2017, the FMA hereby informs, that

Erste Allgemeine Arbeitnehmer Kranken- und Unterstützungskasse AK-UK
Number in the centralised register of associations (ZVR – Zentralvereinsregister): 618517604
1040 Vienna, Prinz Eugen Straße 68, ground floor

was instructed by means of an administrative decision on 16.01.2017 to cease to conduct the unauthorised trading in transferable securities on a commercial basis pursuant to Article 1 para. 1 no. 7 lit. e BWG (securities business).

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