Disclosure before 2016

The FMA published pursuant to Article 116 para. 1 of the Insurance Supervision Act of 1978 (VAG 1978 – Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetz 1978) summarised information at regular intervals about relevant legal regulations as well as procedures of an undertaking-specific nature. The latter included notifications about the granting of licences, changes in business operations, the dissolving of undertakings, the establishment of branches and the taking up of the provision of services by undertakings registered in other states that were party to the EEA Treaty. Until 2000, these disclosures were published in the form of “Veröffentlichungen des Bundesministeriums für Finanzen betreffend die Vertragsversicherung” (Disclosures by the Federal Ministry of Finance regarding contractual insurance). The publications for the years between 2014 and 2015 can be directly downloaded below (in German only).

Veröffentlichungen der FMA betreffend die Vertragsversicherung 2015 (Format: pdf, Size: 522,9 KB, Language: German) Veröffentlichungen der FMA betreffend die Vertragsversicherung 2014 (Format: pdf, Size: 337,3 KB, Language: German)