Legal Notice
Legal Notice and Disclaimer
Disclosure pursuant to Article 25 of the Media Act (MedienG , Mediengesetz)
Publisher and editor
Financial Market Authority (FMA )
Otto-Wagner-Platz 5
1090 Wien
Phone: +43 1 249 59 0
Fax: +43 1 249 59 5499
The FMA is an independent, autonomous and integrated supervisory authority for the Austrian financial market, established as an institution under public law. It is responsible for the supervision of credit institutions, insurance undertakings, pension funds, staff provision funds, investment funds, investment service providers, companies listed on the stock exchange as well as stock exchanges themselves.
Board Members
Helmut ETTL
Members of the Supervisory Board
Gabriela DE RAAIJ
Elisabeth GRUBER
Co-opted Members
Purpose of the FMA’s website
The FMA ’s website serves as a medium to inform the public about the FMA ’s tasks and activities as well as an information platform on issues related to the FMA ‘s business.
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The Financial Market Authority cannot guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the information provided on this website wherever these attributes depend on the specific technical features of the Internet. Furthermore, the FMA does not warrant that access to this website and its content will be available or uninterrupted or that legal texts reflect the latest changes at all times. Official versions of laws and regulations are available in the respective media (Federal Law Gazette (Bundesgesetzblatt) and the government’s electronic announcements and information platform – Elektronische Verlautbarungs- und Informationsplattform (EVI )).
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Gender-neutral language
In order to make the text easier to read, gender-specific differentiation has been avoided. In the interests of equality, the terms used apply to all sexes.
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