Incoming Platform

The Incoming Platform is a centralised Internet-based platform, which permits the electronic transmission of documents to a single location. This page contains background information about the Incoming Platform, submissions within the SSM regime, details about the Single Points of Contact as well as further useful links.

The Incoming Platform allows the submission time as well as the operating expense for all concerned to be kept to a minimum. Certain submissions in accordance with the Incoming Platform Regulation are required to be submitted via the Incoming Platform. Submissions via the Incoming Platform do not however replace electronic reporting to the Oesterreichische Nationalbank.

The Incoming Platform can also be used for notifications and submissions by investment firms and investment services providers. This ensures that the submitted data remains in the competent confidentiality area of the Financial Market Authority; there is no interface to other institutions or authorities.

In addition, the Incoming Platform has a “post box” function, which allows the FMA to make documents available to supervised entities. It is not an electronic method for delivering documents, but is merely intended as a repository to simplify making documents available.

Since 4 November 2014, the European Central Bank has been the competent authority for the supervision of significant credit institutions. The Financial Market Authority, however, remains the competent authority for the supervision of less significant credit institutions (further information about the SSM).

Submissions by significant credit institutions are generally to be made to the JST Coordinator (contact person at the European Central Bank). The submission should also be transmitted to the JST Sub-Coordinator (contact person at the Financial Market Authority) for information purposes (see also: Approach to existing supervisory processes). Exceptions to this rule are submissions in accordance with Article 73 SSM-FR (granting of a licence), Article 85 SSM-FR (qualifying holding procedure), Article 93 SSM-FR (Fit & Proper) and Article 11 SSM-FR (passporting), as well as submissions under national law.

Points of contact for credit institutions
The respective Single Point of Contact (SPOC) at the Oesterreichische Nationalbank and the Financial Market Authority for banking supervision acts as the expert contact for the credit institution in question. The identity of the SPOC is visible to logged in users in the navigation bar. Technical enquiries may be submitted using the contact form within the incoming platform.

Points of contact for investment firms and investment services providers
The Financial Market Authority’s principle points of contact act as the respective specialist point of contact for investment firms and investment service providers. Their names are visible to logged in users in the navigation bar. Technical enquiries may be submitted using the contact form within the incoming platform.

Further information