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This section contains all disclosures by the Financial Market Authority, extending from the methodologies used for the Supervisory Review Process, statistical data through to analyses.

Supervisory disclosure was redefined with the entry into force of the Solvency II regime. The FMA is required from 2016 to list and update the legal and administrative provisions that apply in the area of insurance supervision as well as general guidelines. Moreover, the FMA publishes information on at least an annual basis on the aims, principle functions and activities in relation to supervision and the Supervisory Review Process.

The Bericht über die Lage der österreichischen Versicherungswirtschaft (Report on the state of the Austrian Insurance Industry – available in German only) is intended to illustrate the current developments, potential risks and implications arising from changes to the legal and economic environment in the Austrian insurance sector. It was published for the first time in 2015.

In the section Statistics the Statistics on Insurance in Austria (in German only), which in the first instance contain information taken from annual financial statements, can be queried on a year-by-year basis. There are also statistics for small mutual associations as well as information on the freedom to provide services and branches contained in that section.

Since 2010 the Financial Market Authority has published Quarterly Reports (in German only) on the Austrian insurance market.