FMA Sandbox

The FMA’s sandbox programme for ambitious FinTech models opened on 01 September 2020.

The sandbox’s objective is to simplify the pathway towards becoming a supervised entity for young FinTechs as well as incumbent players (together with an unlicensed entity) that have FinTech business models and cooperations. Targeted support and close supervision will be used to achieve this, rather than by lowering supervisory standards. The entity may operate its business model in a test phase with a licence in the sandbox. If the test is successful, then the entity leaves the confines of the sandbox for regular supervision, and its innovative activity thereby enriches the supervisory landscape.

A clear objective of the sandbox is also to deepen the FMA’s knowledge about innovations in the financial marked as well as the opportunities and threats presented.

Applications for admission to the sandbox should be sent to: [email protected]

How it works
Legal aspects of the sandbox
FAQs on the sandbox

Further Information


Financial Market Authority Act (FMABG; Finanzmarktaufsichtsbehördengesetz) (Format: pdf, Size: 495,8 KB, Language: English)