This page contains information about how to draw up the reports to the FMA required by Pensionskassen. A summary of the reporting deadlines can be found in the following document (in German only):
The Incoming Platform is a centralised Internet-based platform, which permits the electronic transmission of documents to a single location. As a result the time for submission as well as the operative burden for all concerned is kept to a minimum. Certain submissions are required to be submitted via the Incoming Platform in accordance with the Incoming Platform Regulation (FMA-IPV).
The Incoming Platform can be accessed here.
To ensure legally effective submission, please consult this Kundmachung zur rechtswirksamen Einbringung von Anbringen (Format: pdf, Size: 102,6 KB, Language: German) (in German only).
Pensionskassen submit data to the FMA on a quarterly and annual basis in accordance with the Quarterly Reporting Regulation 2012 (QMV; Quartalsmeldeverordnung 2012) and the Regulation on Forms and Annual Reports 2019 (FJMV 2019; Formblatt- und Jahresmeldeverordnung 2019).
Below you can find the documents about the individual taxonomies used, which cover the Technical Handbook, the Annex to the Technical Handbook and the XML schema:
Here you can find an overview of the previous taxonomies used in relation to individual reporting items.
The FMA submits data about Pensionskassen to EIOPA on a quarterly and annual basis. The national reporting by Pensionskassen to the FMA forms the basis for this data.
More detailed information about the reporting by the FMA can be found on the EIOPA website.
On a quarterly and annual basis, the FMA submits the Pensionskassen data to the OeNB , which in turn sends the data to the ECB . The national reporting by Pensionskassen to the FMA forms the basis for this data.
More detailed information about the reporting by the FMA can be found on the ECB website.
Further information:
Reporting to the FMA
Incoming Platform for State Commissioners / Government Commissioners