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Application of 0% Risk Weight for fully consolidated group entities in Austria

The page contains information about the authorisation process of the supervisory authority regarding the exemption from the application of a risk weight of 0 % for fully consolidated entities in Austria within the group pursuant to Article 113 (6) CRR .

Pursuant to Article 113 (6) of Council Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 (CRR ) credit institutions shall be required to request approval from the supervisory authorities for fully consolidated domestic entities within the group. A timeframe of six months shall generally apply for this procedure from the date of submission of the complete application.

Submission of complete documentation by the superordinate credit institution pursuant to Article 30 para. 5 BWG (in the case of a horizontal group of entities, by the consolidating entity) or the responsible entity pursuant to Article 30 para. 6 BWG via the Incoming Platform – please note that the time period for the procedure shall only begin once all documentation has been submitted. The documentation to be submitted consists of the items listed in the information sheet (in German only).

The Financial Market Authority reserves the right to place additional requirements or to request additional proof from the institutions during the authorisation process.

Further Information