In addition to the special reporting tools, supplementary information on creation supervisory reporting from insurance undertakings, insurance groups, financial conglomerates and small mutual associations can be found on this page.
Incoming Platform
The Incoming Platform is a centralised Internet-based platform, which permits the electronic transmission of documents to a single location. As a result the time for submission as well as the operative burden for all concerned is kept to a minimum. Certain submissions are required to be submitted via the Incoming Platform in accordance with the Incoming Platform Regulation (FMA-IPV).
The Incoming Platform can be accessed here.
To ensure legally effective submission, please consult this announcement (in German only).
Insurance undertakings and groups
A summary of the reporting deadlines can be found in the following documents (in German only):
When submitting the XBRL files, it is essential that the naming convention is observed.
More detailed information about the ECB add-ons contains in the reporting for individual undertakings can be found on the ECB website.
Here you can find an overview of the previous XBRL taxonomies used in relation to individual reporting items.
The FMA and OeNB have issued additional National Validation Rules, supplementing EIOPA ’s List of Validations, for data quality purposes.
The documents for the individual taxonomies can be found below:
Here you can find an overview of the previous taxonomies used in relation to individual reporting items. Validation rules have been implements to ensure necessary data quality. Furthermore Cross Report Checks have been defined, for verifying the national reporting against the Solvency II Reporting.
Pursuant to Article 18 of the Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Act (KHVG ; KFZ -Haftpflichtversicherungsgesetz) the terms and conditions of insurance are required to be submitted to the FMA . The terms and conditions of insurance shall only be allowed to be applied once three months have elapsed following their notification to the FMA . The terms and conditions of insurance made available to the policyholder shall state when the terms and conditions of insurance were notified to the FMA . In the event that the terms and conditions of insurance used by the insurance undertaking deviate from model terms and conditions of insurance supplied by the Trade Association of Insurance Undertakings, then the terms and conditions of insurance handed over to the policyholder shall explicitly show where they differentiate from the model terms and conditions.
Pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP)
Regulation (EU) 2019/1238 lays down uniform rules on the registration, manufacturing, distribution and supervision of personal pension products that are distributed in the Union under the designation ‘pan-European Personal Pension product’ (PEPP).
Insurance undertakings authorised in accordance with Directive 2009/138/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, engaged in direct life insurance according to Article 2(3) of Directive 2009/138/EC and Annex II to that Directive may apply for the registration of a PEPP .
Below you can find information about the national taxonomy, that must be observed for the registration, amendment or deregistration of a PEPP .
Here you can find an overview of the previous national taxonomies.
The valid taxonomy documents in XBRL format regarding the PEPP Key Information Document (PEPP KID) can be found on the EIOPA website.
Furthermore, when submitting the necessary documents for the registering, modifying, or deregistering a PEPP via the Incoming Platform it is essential that the PEPP naming convention is observed.
Insurance undertakings, that provide life insurance pursuant to Article 2 (3) of Directive 2009/138/EC and Annex II that are also PEPP providers, shall submit the information listed in Article 40 (1) to (5) of Regulation (EU) 2019/1238 in conjunction with Article 1 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/896 annually and shall use the templates listed in Article 3 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/897 for this purpose.
The annual quantitative reporting is integrated into the Solvency II Reporting regarding the reporting by insurance undertakings. Insurance undertakings that are also PEPP providers, can therefore find the information regarding the annual quantitative reporting pursuant to Article 13 para. 3 of the PEPP -Vollzugsgesetz on this webpage in the section on Insurance Undertakings and Groups under the point on Solvency II Reporting.
Financial conglomerates
A summary of the reporting deadlines can be found in the following document:
Reporting Deadlines during the 2023 Calendar Year with fixed deadlines for financial conglomerates
The Description of Data Processing Interfaces (DV-Schnittstellenbeschreibung) can be accessed here. Reporting for financial conglomerates must be submitted through the FMA ’s Incoming Platform.
Small mutual insurance associations (kleine Versicherungsvereine);
A summary of the reporting deadlines can be found in the following document:
The reporting tool for small mutual insurance associations can be found here.
The XML file that is created using the reporting tool, must be submitted to the FMA via the Incoming Platform.
Furthermore, the Business Templates provide an overview of all the templates.
Other reporting obligations (notifications etc.) are also to be submitted to the FMA via the Incoming Platform.
Further information:
Reporting to the FMA