The competent authorities and financial institutions shall, according to Article 16 (3) of the EIOPA Regulation, make every effort to comply with EIOPA Guidelines and Recommendations. If required by that guideline or recommendation, financial institutions shall report, in a clear and detailed way, whether they comply with that guideline or recommendation (Article 16 para 3 EIOPA Regulation). Therefore, the FMA takes EIOPA Guidelines and Recommendations into account within the applicable legislative and regulatory framework. Please click here for more Information.
Title | Code | Release Date |
Revised Guidelines on Valuation of Technical Provisions Show description: Revised Guidelines on Valuation of Technical Provisions Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-22/393 Format: pdf | 26.08.2022 |
Revised Guidelines on Contract Boundaries Show description: Revised Guidelines on Contract Boundaries Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-22/394 Format: pdf | 26.08.2022 |
Opinion on the supervisory reporting of costs and charges of IORPs Show description: Opinion on the supervisory reporting of costs and charges of IORPs | EIOPA-BoS-21/426 Format: pdf | 07.10.2021 |
Opinion on the supervision of risk assessment by IORPs providing DC schemes Show description: Opinion on the supervision of risk assessment by IORPs providing DC schemes | EIOPA-BoS-21/429 Format: pdf | 07.10.2021 |
Guidelines on PEPP supervisory reporting Show description: Guidelines on PEPP supervisory reporting Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-21/260 Format: pdf | 04.06.2021 |
Guidelines on information and communication technology security and governance Show description: Guidelines on information and communication technology security and governance Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-20/600 Format: pdf | 12.10.2020 |
EIOPA Statement on Solvency II supervisory reporting in the context of COVID-19 | 27.07.2020 | |
Opinion on the supervision of remuneration principles in the insurance and reinsurance sector | EIOPA-BoS-20/040 Format: pdf | 07.04.2020 |
Joint guidelines on cooperation and information exchange for the purpose of Directive (EU) 2015/849 between competent authorities supervising credit and financial institutions (The AML/CFT Colleges Guidelines) Implementation: FMA: fully compliant | JC 2019 81 Format: pdf | 23.03.2020 |
Recommendations on supervisory flexibility regarding the deadline of supervisory reporting and public disclosure - Coronavirus/COVID-19 Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-20/236 Format: pdf | 20.03.2020 |
Guidelines on outsourcing to cloud service providers Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-20-002 Format: pdf | 06.02.2020 |
The Opinion on the use of governance and risk assessment documents in the supervision of Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provisions (IORPs) Implementation: Templates on the own-risk assessment documents | EIOPA-BoS-19-245 Format: pdf | 10.07.2019 |
The Opinion on the practical implementation of the common framework for risk assessment and transparency for Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provisions (IORPs) Implementation: Technical material relating to the common framework | EIOPA-BoS-19-246 Format: pdf | 10.07.2019 |
The Opinion on the supervision of the management of operational risks faced by Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provisions (IORPs) | EIOPA-BoS-19-247 Format: pdf | 10.07.2019 |
The Opinion on the supervision of the management of environment, social and governance risks faced by Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provisions (IORPs) | EIOPA-BoS-19-248 Format: pdf | 10.07.2019 |
Recommendations for the insurance sector in light of the United Kingdom withdrawing from the European Union Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-19/040 Format: pdf | 14.06.2019 |
Decision on the Cooperation of Competent Authorities under the IDD - Appendices Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS/18-342 Format: pdf | 28.09.2018 |
Decision on the Cooperation of Competent Authorities under the IDD Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS/18-340 Format: pdf | 28.09.2018 |
Decision on the collaboration of the competent authorities with regard to the application of the IORP II Directive Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-18/320 Format: pdf | 27.09.2018 |
Decision on the collaboration of the competent authorities with regard to the application of the IORP II Directive - Annex Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-18-321 Format: pdf | 27.09.2018 |
Decision on the collaboration of the competent authorities with regard to the application of the IORP II Directive - Appendix 1 Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-18-321 Format: pdf | 27.09.2018 |
Decision on the collaboration of the competent authorities with regard to the application of the IORP II Directive - Appendix 2 Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-18/321 Format: pdf | 27.09.2018 |
Decision on the collaboration of the competent authorities with regard to the application of the IORP II Directive - Appendix 3 Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-18/321 Format: pdf | 27.09.2018 |
Decision on the collaboration of the competent authorities with regard to the application of the IORP II Directive - Appendix 4 Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-18/321 Format: pdf | 27.09.2018 |
Decision on the collaboration of the competent authorities with regard to the application of the IORP II Directive - Appendix 5 Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-18/321 Format: pdf | 27.09.2018 |
Decision on the collaboration of the competent authorities with regard to the application of the IORP II Directive - Appendix 6 Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-18/321 Format: pdf | 27.09.2018 |
Decision on the collaboration of the competent authorities with regard to the application of the IORP II Directive - Appendix 7 Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-18/321 Format: pdf | 27.09.2018 |
Decision on the collaboration of the competent authorities with regard to the application of the IORP II Directive - Appendix 8 Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-18/321 Format: pdf | 27.09.2018 |
Decision on the collaboration of the competent authorities with regard to the application of the IORP II Directive - Appendix 9 Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-18/321 Format: pdf | 27.09.2018 |
Decision on the collaboration of the competent authorities with regard to the application of the IORP II Directive - Appendix 10 Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-18/321 Format: pdf | 27.09.2018 |
Joint Guidelines to prevent terrorist financing and money laundering in electronic fund transfers Implementation: FMA: compliant | JC/GL/2017/16 Format: pdf | 16.01.2018 |
The Risk-Based Supervision Guidelines: Joint Guidelines on the characteristics of a risk-based approach to anti-money laundering and terrorist financing supervision, and the steps to be taken when conducting supervision on a risk-sensitive basis Implementation: FMA: compliant | ESAs 2016 72 Format: pdf | 07.04.2017 |
Joint Guidelines on the prudential assessment of acquisitions and increases of qualifying holdings in the financial sector Implementation: FMA: compliant | JC/GL/2016/01 Format: pdf | 05.04.2017 |
Guidelines on Facilitating an Effective Dialogue between Insurance Supervisors and Statutory Auditors Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-16/858 Format: pdf | 02.02.2017 |
Preparatory Guidelines on product oversight and governance arrangements by insurance undertakings and insurance distributors Implementation: FMA: compliant; intend to comply | EIOPA-BoS-16/071 Format: pdf | 18.03.2016 |
Guidelines on the supervision of branches of third-country insurance undertakings Implementation: FMA: intend to comply | EIOPA-BoS-15/110 Format: pdf | 23.10.2015 |
Guidelines on the implementation of the long-term guarantee measures Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-15/111 Format: pdf | 14.09.2015 |
Guidelines on exchange of information on a systematic basis within colleges Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-15/112 Format: pdf | 14.09.2015 |
Guidelines on reporting for financial stability purposes Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-15/107 Format: pdf | 14.09.2015 |
Guidelines on the extension of the recovery period in exceptional adverse situations Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-15/108 Format: pdf | 14.09.2015 |
Guidelines on methods for determining the market shares for reporting Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-15/106 Format: pdf | 14.09.2015 |
Guidelines on reporting and public disclosure Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-15/109 Format: pdf | 14.09.2015 |
Guidelines on recognition and valuation of assets and liabilities other than technical provisions Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-15/113 Format: pdf | 14.09.2015 |
Guidelines on system of governance Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-14/253 Format: pdf | 14.09.2015 |
Guidelines on own risk and solvency assessment Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-14/259 Format: pdf | 14.09.2015 |
Guidelines on ancillary own funds Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-14/167 Format: pdf | 02.02.2015 |
Guidelines on application of outwards reinsurance arrangements to the non- life underwriting risk sub-module Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-14/173 Format: pdf | 02.02.2015 |
Guidelines on application of the life underwriting risk module Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-14/175 Format: pdf | 02.02.2015 |
Guidelines on basis risk Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-14/172 Format: pdf | 02.02.2015 |
Guidelines on classification of own funds Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-14/168 Format: pdf | 02.02.2015 |
Guidelines on contract boundaries Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-14/165 Format: pdf | 02.02.2015 |
Guidelines on group solvency Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-14/181 Format: pdf | 02.02.2015 |
Guidelines on health catastrophe risk sub-module Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-14/176 Format: pdf | 02.02.2015 |
Guidelines on look-through approach Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-14/171 Format: pdf | 02.02.2015 |
Guidelines on operational functioning of colleges Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-14/146 Format: pdf | 02.02.2015 |
Guidelines on ring-fenced funds Implementation: FMA: compliant; intend to comply | EIOPA-BoS-14/169 Format: pdf | 02.02.2015 |
Guidelines on supervisory review process Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-14/179 Format: pdf | 02.02.2015 |
Guidelines on loss-absorbing capacity of technical provisions and deferred taxes Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-14/177 Format: pdf | 02.02.2015 |
Guidelines on the methodology for equivalence assessments by National Supervisory Authorities under Solvency II Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-14/182 Format: pdf | 02.02.2015 |
Guidelines on the treatment of market and counterparty risk exposures in the standard formula Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-14/174 Format: pdf | 02.02.2015 |
Guidelines on the use of internal models Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-14/180 Format: pdf | 02.02.2015 |
Guidelines on treatment of related undertakings including participations Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-14/170 Format: pdf | 02.02.2015 |
Guidelines on undertaking-specific parameters Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-14/178 Format: pdf | 02.02.2015 |
Guidelines on the valuation of technical provisions Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-14/166 Format: pdf | 02.02.2015 |
Joint Guidelines on the convergence of supervisory practices relating to the consistency of supervisory coordination arrangements for financial conglomerates Implementation: FMA: compliant | JC/GL/2014/01 Format: pdf | 22.12.2014 |
Guidelines on the use of the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-14-026 Format: pdf | 22.10.2014 |
Guidelines on complaints-handling by insurance intermediaries Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-13/164 Format: pdf | 03.12.2013 |
Guidelines on complaints-handling by insurance undertakings Implementation: FMA: compliant | EIOPA-BoS-12/069 Format: pdf | 14.06.2012 |