FMA Strategy – Shaping the Future

The Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) commenced operations as the integrated, independent and autonomous supervisory authority for the Austrian financial centre in 2002. Over the intervening two decades the societal, political, economic and technological environment has changed at great speed.

In 2022 the FMA launched the transformation process “Fit For Future – FMA 2025” to keep up with these changes. The programme’s objective was to comprehensively analyse existing approaches, to develop new concepts, and to begin to implement them. The final implementation of the measures that have been developed is planned from 2025. “Fit For Future” pursued the objective of developing the FMA into a transformational-thinking authority that is prepared for change and which can continue to develop on a continual basis.

The follow-up project “Shaping the Future” (STF), which is set to run until the end of 2025, was launched to ensure its implementation and to establish permanent transformational structures. STF’s objective is to wrap up the outcomes from “Fit For Future” and to sustainably embed transformational elements within the organisation.