Overview of Databases
Here you can find an overview of the most frequently consulted databases on the FMA website.
The company database informs whether and to what extent a company holds a licence issued by the FMA .
One of the European Solvency II Directive’s objectives is to create greater transparency in the insurance sector. As a result, supervisory authorities must present the legal bases as well as reporting about their objectives and supervisory activity. Supervisory disclosure is used by supervisory authorities to promote a harmonised level of transparency and responsibility. Publicised information should be easily accessible and comparable.
Link to Supervisory Disclosure
The company database informs whether and to what extent a company holds a licence issued by the FMA .
Reports about Insurances Undertakings
The FMA has published reports about the state of the Austrian insurance industry since 2015. These reports show the current developments, potential for risks and the external environment surrounding Austria’s insurance sector.
Links to reports about the state of the Austrian insurance industry
Statistics about Insurance Undertakings
Austrian insurance statistics have been publishing information contained in the annual financial statements as well as a few other details about insurance undertaking licensed in Austria.
Link to Statistics about Insurance Companies
You can find information about cross-border activities of insurance undertakings within the European Economic Area (EEA). If an insurance undertaking intends to establish a branch pursuant to Article 21 para. 1 of the Insurance Supervision Act of 2016 (VAG 2016), then the relevant form must be submitted via the Incoming Platform.
Investment service providers
Here you can query whether a natural or legal person is active as a tied agent or as a securities broker. Link to the Query (available in German only)
Capital Markets
The Zertifikate Lupe (English: certificate magnifying glass) is an interactive information tool about certificates. You can obtain a general overview about the Austrian certificates market. In addition, using the search function it is possible to upload the specific key information document (PRIIPs KID) about a certificate and to compare it against the market as a whole, with regard to fees, performance and risk.
Link to the Zertifikate Lupe (in German only)
Investment funds and their managers
The FMA provides a query for all Austrian investment funds governed by the Investment Fund Act of 2011 (InvFG).
Link to search for investment funds
The FMA provides a query for all foreign investment funds governed by the Investment Fund Act of 2011 (InvFG).
Link to search for investment funds
The second EU Directive on the activities and supervision of pension schemes (IORP II), created legal rules for the disclosure of information by supervisory authorities. Supervisory disclosure is used by supervisory authorities to promote a harmonised level of transparency and responsibility. Publicised information should be easily accessible and comparable.
Link to Supervisory Disclosure
The company database informs whether and to what extent a company holds a licence issued by the FMA .
Reports on Pensionskassen
The FMA has published reports about the state of the Austrian Pensionskassen industry since 2017. These reports show the current developments, potential for risks and the external environment surrounding Austria’s Pensionskassen sector.
Links to reports about the state of the Austrian insurance industry
Statistics about Pensionskassen
The FMA has published relevant statistical data about Pensionskassen and the Austrian Pensionskassen system since 1991.
Link to statistics about Pensionskassen
Institutions for occupational retirement provision, such as Pensionskassen, that are established in other signatory states in the European Economic Area (EEA) are required to adhere to Austrian regulations when conducting activities on a cross-border basis.
Link to Mandatory Provisions in Austria