Complaints and Consumer Enquiries

Before you start, please read the FMA’s information about Complaints and Consumer Enquiries

Complaints and Enquiries Form 


Do you have an complaint about a company that is supervised by the FMA that you have already complained to the company about? Do you believe that the Guidelines on Complaints Handling have not be complied with, or that another infringement of supervisory law has taken place?

Please submit your complaint using this form as well as submitting the statement given by the company in relation to the complaint:

Diagram about the FMA Complaints Procedure

Consumer Enquiries

You are a consumer and have an enquiry about a consumer-related topic. You can submit your enquiry here. Please note that the FMA is unable to reply to abstract legal enquiries.

Please state:

  • the background surrounding your enquiry,
  • the specific details,
  • who is affected,
  • and the entity to which the enquiry relates.

Further information about the issue of consumer protection can be found on our microsite Let’s talk about money.