At the end of Q2 2015 the total assets managed by Austrian Pensionskassen (pension companies) amounted to € 19.9 billion, representing a 1.5% decline compared with the previous quarter. While the number of beneficiaries (recipients) in the pension company system increased by 1.1% to 87 390 during Q2, the number of beneficiaries (entitled) decreased by 0.4% to 779 419. By the end of the second quarter a total of 866 809 individuals (-0.2% quarter on quarter) were included in this form of company old-age provision, or 21.7% of all dependently employed persons in Austria. Oesterreichische Kontrollbank (OeKB) calculated quarter-on-quarter investment performance for Q2 2015 to have dropped by 1.6%; however, compared with Q2 2014 the investment result was up by 4.3%; average performance over the past three years was 7.6%, over the past five years 5.3% and over the past ten years 3.6%. These figures were disclosed in the Q2 Report on the Performance of Austrian Pensionskassen published today by the Financial Market Authority (FMA).
Some 95% of pension company assets are held indirectly via investment funds, with 98.2% of all assets being measured at market rates. Split up into investment categories, debt securities made up the largest portion at 43.2%, followed by equities at 34.3% and bank balances at 11.7%. The remainder took the form of real estate, loans and credits, as well as other assets. After taking currency hedge transactions into account, around 20% of the assets were invested in foreign currency.
The Quarterly Report can be found (in German) on the FMA website at:
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