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Austrian Financial Market Authority FMA appoints by administrative decision auditor Dorotea Rebmann government commissioner for the licensed Bank “ALIZEE Bank AG”

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In an administrative decision issued December 22, 2011, the Austrian Financial Market Authority FMA has appointed, with immediate effect, auditor Dorotea Rebmann as government commissioner for the management board of the licensed bank “ALIZEE Bank AG”, which has its head office at Renngasse 6-8, 1010 Vienna, Austria.

Pursuant to section 70 para 2 Bankwesengesetz (BWG; Austrian Banking Act), in order to avert any threat to the financial interests of the clients of a bank, the FMA may issue an administrative decision ordering temporary measures which will cease to be effective no later than 18 months after their effective date.

Pursuant to section 70 para 2 no. 2 lit. a Bankwesengesetz (BWG; Austrian Banking Act) the FMA may in particular appoint an expert supervisor (government commissioner) who is either a lawyer or auditor. This supervisor is responsible for prohibiting such legal entity from carrying out any transactions that may increase the above mentioned threat.

The appointment of a government commissioner for the bank has taken place for protection of the interests of creditors as well as for the security of entrusted assets.

Journalists may address further enquiries to:
Klaus Grubelnik (FMA Media Spokesperson)
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