National stress test
The stress test conducted at Pensionskassen is primarily intended for obtaining additional information for the analysis of Pensionkassen and to assist in the derivation of measures under supervisory law.
The emphasis is not on the passing of the stress test, but instead should allow the better detection of sensitivities and vulnerabilities and thereby contribute towards identifying potential problems faced by Pensionskassen or the Pensionskassen market as a whole.
The stress scenarios are applied simultaneously to the investment and risk-sharing groups as well as to the Pensionskasse (i.e. , the respective joint stock company) itself.
EIOPA stress test
EIOPA conducts a stress test every three years for institutions for occupational retirement provision (IORP s) which also includes Austrian Pensionskassen. The stress test focuses on on all kind of pension schemes (defined contribution (DC), defined benefits (DB) systems and hybrid pension schemes, in which effects of prescribed adverse capital market scenarios are observed.
The FMA specifies the participants who take part in the stress test exercise.
The EIOPA website contains further Information about the Occupational Pensions Stress Test.
The FMA would like to point out that the stress test results should be interpreted in view of the assumptions made. A comparison of the results of individual countries is only possible to a limited extent in light of respective country-specific circumstances. The occupational pension sector in Europe is very heterogeneous. Employment and social law provisions also vary as well as the tax regulations.