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FMA activates whistleblower hotline

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As of 1 January 2014 the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) has activated a ‘whistleblower hotline’ for phone callers. The hotline provides persons who have knowledge of a violation of any provision of law falling within the FMA’s supervisory competence, or who have reasonable suspicion of such a violation, with a means of reporting the information anonymously, without being able to be identified. While the hotline is primarily intended for employees of supervised companies such as banks, insurance undertakings, Pensionskassen (pension companies) and investment firms, it may of course also be used by anyone else who has gained knowledge of an abuse or an administrative offence in the financial and capital market sector. The notification system has been established in compliance with the specifications of the European Union.

As of 1 February 2014 the whistleblower hotline for phone callers will be supplemented by a computer-based notification system that will be available via the FMA website. A notification system certified to data privacy standards, featuring highly advanced security and encrypting techniques, will be employed, so that anonymous informants are ensured of the highest possible standard of data privacy and confidentiality. The portal will also support an anonymous dialogue system that will enable clarification of details provided by informants.

The FMA has the legal mandate to investigate any information and to instigate appropriate supervisory measures as warranted. Where information leads to reasonable suspicion of a violation of a provision of law that does not fall within the scope of its enforcement mandate, the FMA is required to pass on the information to the competent authority.

The whistleblower hotline can be reached by calling 0800-249 900.

Journalists may address further enquiries to:
Klaus Grubelnik (FMA Media Spokesperson)
+43/(0)1/24959-6006, +43/(0)676/882 49 516