Sound financial decisions are based on reliable information. The FMA’s smartphone app allows you to check the authorisations that your financial partner has, as well as to be able to recognise prohibited offerings more easily. The FMA App contains the company database, the list of tied agents and securities brokers and current investor warnings.
The “Company Database” (Unternehmensdatenbank) informs the user whether a company holds a licence issued by the FMA to operate in Austria, and which services are covered by the licence. The spectrum of companies covered extends to banks, investment fund management companies, real estate fund management companies, corporate provision funds, payment institutions e-money institutions, insurance undertakings, pension funds (Pensionskassen), investment services providers, investment firms, alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs), European Venture Capital Funds (EuVECAs), central counterparties (CCPs), European Social Entrepreneurship Funds (EuSEFs) and exchange operating companies.
The “Securities Brokers and Tied Agents Query” (Vermittler-Abfrage) provides information about whether a natural or legal person is active as a tied agent or a securities broker.
The “Current Investor Warnings” (Aktuelle Investorenwarnungen) contain the latest investor warnings issued by the FMA about companies, that provide their services in the Austrian financial market in an unauthorised manner.