The assets managed by Austrian Pensionskassen (pension companies) stood at € 24.3 billion at the end of the 4th Quarter of 2019, corresponding to an increase of 2.7% or € 642 million compared to the previous quarter. The total number of beneficiaries rose by 1.2% to approximately 980,000, of whom approximately 11.4% already draw a pension benefit. The investment performance calculated by the Oesterreichische Kontrollbank (OeKB) for the 4th quarter was +2.3%; result in a performance for the full year 2019 of 11.6%. On average for the last three, five and ten years the performance stands at +4%, +3.7% and +4.3% respectively. The concentation process as a result of mergers and takeovers among the Pensionskassen continued in 2019: While there were 21 Pensionskassen active in the Austrian market in 2005, at the end of 2019 there were only eight remaining – one fewer than at end of the previous year. These findings have emerged from the Report on the Austrian Pensionskassen for the 4th Quarter of 2019, which was published today by the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA).
96.84% of the assets of the Pensionskassen are held indirectly via investment funds. Broken down into investment classes, debt securities have the largest share of the portfolio, amount to 43.30% of assets, followed by equities at 34.17%, while balances held at credit institutions stand at 7.03% and in real estate at 4.69%. The remainder is in the form of loans and credits as well as other assets. After having taken currency hedge transactions into account, around 31.61% of the assets were invested in foreign currencies.
The full quarterly report can be found (in German only) on the FMA website.
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