Pursuant to Article 22c para. 1 no. 2 of the Financial Market Authority Act (FMABG – Finanzmarktaufsichts-behördengesetz), the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) may in imposing a sanction that has been imposed as a result of breaches of among other provisions Article 98 para. 1a of the Austrian Banking Act (BWG – Bankwesengesetz), disclose the name of the persons or entities upon whom a sanction has been imposed, as well as information about the sanction imposed.
By publication in the official gazette “Amtsblatt zur Wiener Zeitung” of 16.02.2023, the FMA hereby informs, that
BETster GmbH
Lastenstraße 23 Stock 17 Tür 4
4020 Linz
was instructed by means of an administrative decision dated 23.01.2023, to cease to conduct the unauthorised commercial taking of deposits of third parties pursuant to Article 1 para. 1 no. 1 second case BWG (deposit-taking business) and to cease to continue to hold the funds taken as deposits.