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Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against Green Finance Group AG for a breach of the Prospectus Regulation in relation to misleading advertising

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The Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) hereby announces that it has imposed a fine of EUR 35,000 by means of a penal order against Green Finance Group AG for a breach against Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 due to misleading advertising in an Austria print and online medium in October 2021 in relation to a qualified subordinated debt instrument.

The penal order is not final.

Update 23.11.2023:

Green Finance Group AG has lodged an appeal against the FMA’s penal order to the Federal Administrative Court (BVwG; Bundesverwaltungsgericht).

Update: 21.10.2024

The Federal Administrative Court (BVwG; Bundesverwaltungsgericht confirmed the FMA’s penal order dated 12.10.2023 in full. The orderly final right of appeal was declared not to be permissible. The penal order is final.

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