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Announcement: FMA imposes sanctions against EVAX Holding GmbH in Liquidation, EUROVEA Services, s.r.o. as well as a further person subject to reporting requirements for breaches against the BörseG 2018

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The Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) has imposed fines against EVAX Holding GmbH in Liquidation, EUROVEA Services, s.r.o. as well as a further person subject to reporting requirements by means of a penal order by way of the accelerated conclusion of proceedings pursuant to Article 22 para. 2b of the Financial Market Authority Act (FMABG; Finanzmarktaufsichtsbehördengesetz) of EUR 72,800 (EVAX Holding GmbH in Liquidation), EUR 72,800 (EUROVEA Services, s.r.o.) and EUR 14,400 (the person subject to reporting requirements) for belated notifications about participation thresholds no longer being met pursuant to Article 130 et seq. of the Stock Exchange Act 2018 (BörseG 2018; Börsegesetz 2018). EVAX Holding GmbH in Liquidation, die EUROVEA Services, s.r.o. as well as the person subject to reporting requirements specifically failed to inform the FMA, the exchange operating company and the issuer (S-Immo AG) about voting rights and shareholding thresholds no longer being met. Under the provisions on the disclosure of participations under Articles 130 et seq. BörseG, the market is required to be informed about the issuer’s shareholding structure. The penal orders are final.

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