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Austrian Branch Establishment of Credendo − Excess & Surety SA

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Credendo − Excess & Surety SA with its registered office at Roger Vandendriesschelaan 18, 1150 Sint-Pieters-Woluwe, Belgium intends to establish a branch establishment in Austria.

The business address of the branch establishment is:

Niederlassung der Credendo − Excess & Surety SA

Wohllebengasse 4

1040 Vienna


A name change from “Credendo − Excess & Surety” to “Credendo − Guarantees and Specialty Risks” is intended to occur with effect rom 01.06.2021.

The authorised agent Daniela Roussenova may be reached at the business address.

The branch establishment intends to operate in the following classes as listed in Annex A of the Insurance Supervision Act of 2016 (VAG 2016; Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetz 2016), 14 (credit), 15 (suretyship), 16 (miscellaneous financial loss) and 23a (non-life reinsurance).

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