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Verification of officially signed documents

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The FMA uses the depicted blip for electronically signed documents.

Publication of the blip pursuant to Article 19 para. 3 e-Government Act (E-GovG ).

Verification of officially signed communications

Documents in electronic form (officially signed documents in written form) from the FMA can be verified using the verification code in the signature block of the document using the verification service at

For officially signed documents in paper form the FMA offers the recipient of printed versions of officially signed documents the following possibilities for submission for checking of authenticity+:

  • Submission of the scanned document via the FMA’s electronic postbox using the Supplementary Register for Others registration number (ERsB -Ordnungsnummer) 9110020375710 or the designation “Finanzmarktaufsichtsbehörde”
  • Submission via the FMA’s General Contact Form
  • Postal delivery to the FMA or personal delivery of the communication to the FMA’s reception desk
  • Delivery by fax to the FMA on +43 1 249 59 5499

Please ensure in the case of electronic submissions that that the document is submitted in a way that it is clearly readable.

The FMA’s postal address is:
Otto-Wagner-Platz 5
A-1090 Vienna

Case handlers check whether the document is a letter that they have issued, and in the case that positive verification occurs will respond to the enquiry by means of a communication in written form, stating: Das von Ihnen vorgelegte Dokument stammt von der FMA und ist inhaltlich unverändert.” (The document you have submitted originates from the FMA and its content has not been modified). In the case of a negative verification the following response will be used: “The document that you submitted was not able to be verified by the FMA.”

Regarding the time period to conduct such a review, the FMA ensures that the procedure is completed within 1-2 weeks (maximum).

This enquiry regarding the regarding the verification of authenticity of a document does not have any influence on the deadlines set by the FMA or the appeal periods.